Wednesday 19 October 2011

Our bean seed experiment

Date of experiment: Wednesday 19th October, 2011
Today we planted our seeds in cotton wool buds soaked in water. We are going to observe our bean seeds over time to see how they grow and to see whether seeds are infact alive.

Date: Monday 24th October, 2011
We checked on our seeds today to see whether they had made any progress. Some had sprouted and grown roots, others had only grown small roots. We recorded a labelled diagram of our bean seeds and wrote what we saw, felt and smelt.

Date: Wednesday 26th October, 2011
Today we observed our bean seed experiments again. Some have grown out of the top of the cups and others are still beginning to sprout. We made entries into our Science books about the growth of the bean seed, the smell of the bean seeds and the different colours in our bean seeds. Many peoples have grown above the rim of the cup whilst others are still growing.

Our work on bean seeds

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